John 2nd October 2019

I used to tease Pat by calling her the fashionista, but my fondest memories were of her as a raconteur and an excellent mimic of the East End dialect gained from her early career as a social worker in London. Journeys with Pat and Richard were never tedious, however long they might be, and always full of jokes and laughter, together with an ample supply of Trebor mints and the prospect of a large gin and tonic awaiting us at our holiday destination. We had made a pact over a year ago to tackle our phobias, swimming (Pat) and singing in public (mine). We both tried, but only had partial success! At least we tried. I had to, as her Christmas present to me consisted of 3 singing lessons. Thankyou Pat for being our good friend and travelling companion. We will miss you terribly, but are very pleased to have known you and had so much enjoyable time together.